There is value investing in the right advice before you start your business.

Starting a business new business venture is all well and good and has possibilities to provide you with a great living. However, all too many people start a business without doing their homework and believe that just because they love the idea have done no homework in making sure that there is a market for what they wish to offer.

Research is one of the fundamental considerations in any business if it is going to be fruitful, otherwise why bother it may as well remain a hobby.

Some people start their business from a passion with a hobby, but it is slow. The value in the slowness is insight into their customers and understanding what their customers want, smelling peak times and lean times.

Being able to smell a trend is also important as to what may be coming up for the line of business you are in. It helps you stay ahead of the curve.

If no one is prepared to pay you for what you are offering does this sound like a viable business or is the expectation of what you are offering perceived as if it should be free?

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