Alzheimer’s disease or any form of dementia
Currently, 1 in 3 people are being affected by dementia in the UK alone and with the shocking impact it has on our own lives, is a future none of us want or would have ever imagined possible.
Can you imagine the devastating effects that this can have on your family, when they suddenly realized you had not left them any specific instructions?
Dementia- It’s not black and white!
When you look after someone who is poorly, and you care for them the result was” they recovered” right? we subconsciously interpret that experience as a job well done?
When you look after someone who has any form of dementia the reality is that they don’t get better, we are unable to fix them per say and we interpret the experience as if we have failed them in some way- they didn’t become better in fact they became worse and worse and disappeared from my life mentally but still physically present.
To care for another successfully one must first take care of self!
The whole experience has only one outcome and because each experience is unique, let’s face it “Dementia is not black or white” you will not be able to control how long that experience will last especially after all you have done for them.
As a spouse you are the immediate caregiver and its affects will where you down to the point you will become more and more exhausted, snappy and a shadow of your former self.
With that in mind it is worth considering the following:
What do I need to know about the care system and what’s available to us?
How do I stay well and avoid becoming isolated or alienated from people who are supposed to be my friends?
Who will help me understand how to prepare our finances and care considerations?
It’s grim I know, you can brush it all under the carpet hoping it will all go away but these situations do happen to people and they are avoidable with a little insight into the system followed by some action.
Jane Cooper wrote this little pocket guide Care and the Consequences the 5th in a little series of Reg Pocket books from her experience with a father diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer’s in the winter of his life to help someone just like you avoid the pitfalls of the care system and to educate you with knowledge to enable to understand what to do and why before it is too late!
To obtain your copy in PDF email Jane a request to purchase Care and the consequences on
Cost £9.99
Interested in her work on Alzheimer’s copy and paste the link below into your browser.