Tag Archives: research




Starting a new business venture can be a very exciting and thrilling time but have you thought about investing in any advice before you launch. It’s important to speak to the right people when it comes to structuring your new venture because at times you will need to exercise caution and shield yourself from any sudden misfortune.

Nurturing your strength of spirit so that you are strong enough to manage others and write a good pitch when winning business is just as important for you “The owner” as running the business on a daily basis.

So before you leap into your new venture here are some tips & thoughts to consider


  • What research have you undertaken to check if there is a market for what you are offering which, will supply you with an indication that your venture is a viable one and has potential for growth?
  • Will your new venture be a seasonal business and what provisions have you built in for the other seasons to ensure you have a healthy cash flow?
  • win_icon(3) Pitch ImageWhen you have an opportunity to rent a room from someone on the high street already under a lease with a land lord make sure by proof of disclosure that they have the provision to sub- let. Failure to check and comply can lead to many problems for all parties concerned. This situation can be a costly one and should check before you leap.
  • When pitching and winning business ensure that you present yourself in a professional manner, dress professionally which will help you feel the part when selling your services to others which will put you ahead of your competitors.
  • Pitching your business requires you to practice, practice and practice until you can speak confidently. Videoing yourself in order that you can see how you come across can be a very useful tool because it will allow you to see what others see. If, you don’t like what you see or hear – change it.

You only have one chance to make a great impression so keep it simple and to the point and remember to deliver with confidence.

If this sounds like something you can do with some help with contact Jane by Calling Mb: 07801 287 213 or send her an email at: info@virtualtaxuk.com

There is value investing in the right advice before you start your business.

Starting a business new business venture is all well and good and has possibilities to provide you with a great living. However, all too many people start a business without doing their homework and believe that just because they love the idea have done no homework in making sure that there is a market for what they wish to offer.

Research is one of the fundamental considerations in any business if it is going to be fruitful, otherwise why bother it may as well remain a hobby.

Some people start their business from a passion with a hobby, but it is slow. The value in the slowness is insight into their customers and understanding what their customers want, smelling peak times and lean times.

Being able to smell a trend is also important as to what may be coming up for the line of business you are in. It helps you stay ahead of the curve.

If no one is prepared to pay you for what you are offering does this sound like a viable business or is the expectation of what you are offering perceived as if it should be free?

For further information of what we offer contact email info@virtualtaxuk.com– Topic- Consultation