Tag Archives: Lasting Power of Attorney

How care aware are you?


In todays society amd from personal experience, I know how difficult it can be to decide what to do when a loved one is taken ill or diagnosed with chronic disease and the impact it can have on day to day running of your business.

The benefit of my experience is that I know what questions need to be asked to ensure YOU make the best decisions and what to consider, plan and structure for in the changing times ahead in regards to those old age problems and rising Care Costs. 

THIS NEW service “CARE AWARE” covers various topics such as:

  • Considerations of what you may have to prepare for when older family members need help and how it may affect you and or your business.
  • Health- Social Care – It’s impact.
    know the difference.
  • Lasting Power of Attorney Finance & Health & Wealth fare
  • The importance of making a will.
  • Considering A Care Home, Ask the right questions.
  • How to manage and cope and structure for changing times ahead when dealing with loved ones who are losing or have lost Mental Capacity.

LPA’S Lasting Power of Attorney

Lasting power of Attorneys is a legal document which allows the person ( the Doner) who may in the future lose “mental capacity“to make decisions for themsleves.

The Doner appoints an Attorney ( someone they trust ) to make decisions on their behalf.

The benefit of making both Lpa’s is really about making an advanced decision and making sure your affairs both in terms of finance and health & wealfare are taken care of why you are in a position to state your wishes and appoint someone you trust should something happen beyond, your control.

For further information on how we can help you contact Jane Cooper 07801 287 213.