Tag Archives: Income limits


Paying for residential and nursing care

If you are going into a care home, you may be concerned about how you are going to fund the care home costs.

In many cases, the local Council can help but this will depend on your financial circumstances. By taking up an appointment the council or your social worker can work out the total cost of the care you need, and then look at your financial situation to work out how much you may have to contribute. Image Paying for Care

Your savings

Currently, if you have savings above£23,250, you will have to pay the full cost of your stay in the home, other than any nursing care which is covered by the NHS.But if you have less than £14,250, your savings will be disregarded.

Your income

The following forms part of your income. Pension or wages, Pension Credit, Income Support and any extra benefits you may be entitled to claim. Disability Living Allowance or Attendance Allowance is disregarded and does not fall into part of your income.

Information correct at time of posting.