Tag Archives: law

Care Planning consider this

Care Planning Consider this:

How would you feel if after all those years of hard work making a great life for yourself and your family the court took control of your finances, if you, lost mental capacity simply because you don’t have the right documents in place?

Planning for your care is a worthwhile investment but when you are taking advice about Care Planning one of the most important questions to ask is  how to avoid sideways disinheritance the misdirection of assets.

Avoiding sideways disinheritance

Avoiding sideways disinheritance

Should you consider leaving your assets to your own family then did you know that, if your children divorce or their relationship breaks down or even if the remarry they can lose out.

There are safeguards that can be put in place but if you are not aware that they exist and plan accordingly the law can direct your assets to someone against your wishes and is something that thousands of people face every year.

Don’t allow that to happen to your children!