Tag Archives: HMRC

Local Self Assessment Expert

So, why choose me, Jane Cooper ? That’s simple, because I am an expert in Self assessment and because of my back ground, experience, and knowledge.
Thirty years ago, I worked for H M Revenue & Customs, until the self assessment program was launched in 1995. At that time, I had acquired my training in self assessment just as the program went live to the public. I was head hunted by an accountant for his private practice.
In that, I set up a self assessment program from scratch, with 13years tax returns filed without penalties due to firm, whilst, I developed and maintained strong client relationships. Through out that time, I set up simple systems that worked, met the needs of the owner, HM Revenue & Customs, but more importantly, the needs of the clients.

Starting in business

I listen to people’s concerns as they start up in business, and I have been somewhat bewildered as to the naivety surrounding peoples ability to seek correct and constructive advice from day one.

Before you start anything it would be appropriate, surely, to seek advice as to whats involved when it comes to working for yourself.

Here at Virtual Tax UK we take the time to sit with you and discuss your ideas, your plans and your future, making sure you have all the relevant foundations in place in order for reap what you sow.

We provide the service that deals with self employed individuals, from a variety of backgrounds, preparing and finalizing their accounts in order to establish the correct tax liability.

Did you know ?

Self  assessment has been around for a few years now and was initially setup by HRMC with a view of ‘processing your tax return now and checking it later’.

We are now further down the line and that’s exactly what’s happening. I worked at the H M Revenue and Customs for a few years and was involved in the training regarding the launch of self-assessment and what was involved. I then worked for a private practice for 13 years doing just that before I decided that it was time to not put up with any more nonesence from anyone and work for myself and that was when virtualtaxuk was born..

Whether its information on tax credits, tax deductions, construction industry scheme refunds, national insurance contributions, or vat, tax refunds 2009, to tax refunds 2011 we are here to help. We prepare accounts for self employed individuals and partnerships from the small to the larger businesses.

We can also calculate the tax on rental properties and give advice on questions for example: when do I pay tax, how to pay tax on line?

We have a Tax investigation expert on the team, specializing in managing the outcome of a tax enquiry in order to provide clarity to the terminology and advice on interest and penalties.