Tag Archives: auctions

Buying a property at auction?



Buying a property at auction can be a great way of bagging a bargain, however, you will need to make sure your funds are ready to hand over should you be lucky enough to find a property you like.

Here are a few things to think about before you proceed:

Make sure your solicitor knows about their subject and is working in your best interest.

Make sure that there is no debt attached to the property as there are tax consequences to you if there is.Property-Auction-

Make sure you do the maths in terms of the work that is required to bring it up to standard actually warrants the investment.

If you need someone on side to make sure the numbers work or ask questions you have may not have thought about which may have a direct impact on your money, contact Jane on 07801 287 213 or book a meeting at a time that’s mutually beneficial.

Contact Number: 07801 287 213

Email: info@virtualtaxuk.com